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Carson’s Mailbag

4 Feb

Today’s blog has a guest–Carson!!  We are going to try out a new weekly/biweekly blog where Carson will be answering reader questions.  Today, we will start with a question of mine, but I hope you all like it and participate!

Dear Carson,
Why won’t you take the bottle?
Your Mommy

Dear Mommy,
I love, love, LOVE breast feeding.  Can’t you tell?  I mean, look at my chins, I can’t get enough of it.  None of those bottles you have given me feel anything like the real thing, not even that booby looking one you have been trying lately. 
Plus, I love, love, LOVE YOU!!  I really love to stare up at you when I am eating because you are the prettiest mommy I have ever seen.  You smell so delicious and none of those bottles you have been trying smell anything like you.  I know you want me to take the bottle, but I guess I would rather spend my eating time only with you.  Also, I am secretly hoping that if I don’t take the bottle, you will not be able to go back to work and we can be together forever–wouldn’t that be awesome??
My little fingers are getting tired from all this typing.  I can’t wait to answer more questions, there is so much I want to talk about!
I love you so, so much.  You are the best Mommy ever!

p.s.  Don’t I have a really good vocabulary for a 3-month old?

Wow!  Carson is pretty advanced.  Please post your questions, and maybe Carson will answer yours next!!