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Thoughts While Running

2 Jun

My” friends”  (whom I have never even met) at RLAM tell me today in National Running Day.  I celebrated by running 3 miles with Little Man.  My fitness level is getting so that running is actually starting to become somewhat enjoyable again.  Given that, I do not have to focus so much on just getting through the torture and I can let my mind wander to whatever it would like.  Here is where it went today (yes, more bullets!!  What can I say–I like them!) 

  • Since I have been running with Little Man I have had two strangers actually cheer for me.  A few weeks ago it was a cyclist (a man!) who said “Great Job!!” or something along those lines.  Today it was a woman who said “WOW, Good for you!!”.  I just want to let you all know–if you see a mama pushing her kid you should cheer for her.  You may feel like a total goofball, but I can promise you–you will make her day!
  • Before I had my son, I probably had 3 times where I legitimately thought I might get hit by a car when running.  I haven’t had any since I have been running with Carson, but I think about it every time.  For every person who gives us a wide berth, slows down, or stops to wait for another car coming in the other direction there is someone who doesn’t.  I mean, it is one thing when I am by myself…but when I am pushing a stroller with a kid in it?  I cannnot believe how close, fast and/or clueless people can be!  I would actually feel more comfortable running on the “wrong” side of the road so that the traffic is behind me–at least that way they would hit me first!  So–I think this is a given if you are a runner–please give all runners room to run, but if it is a mama or daddy out there with their kid, give them a little extra space please!!
  • I have to thank someone or something that I can put one foot in front of the other and run.  And then I have to thank that same someone/thing that my son is a healthy, happy little boy.  I’m beyond blessed.

Carson also had some thoughts on running he would like to share.  

"Mom, I don't really think you need this string in your running shorts, so I'm just gonna pull it out, OK?"

"I don't know about running, but this is sure fun!"

"I like running because that is how I get all my favorite toys. Like the box my mom's shoes came in and this string. This is great!"

"My mom wanted me to tell everyone that she was watching me the whole time. So don't worry, I am not going to choke or strangle myself."

"Oh yeah, even without this string on her shorts my Mommy is the best runner I know. I love her so much!!"

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My Boobs Need Your Help

31 Jan

If nothing else, the title should get my readership up…

I want need to work out.  It has been three months.  (Hey, wait…it’s actually been a year since I have REALLY worked out to my true capabilities.  Crap.  This is gonna be WAY worse than I thought…)  The scale claims I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  Turns out that doesn’ t mean much because I am a much softer, jigglier version of my old self.  I NEED to get off my squishy ass and MOVE.  Problem is, while I want to move my body as a whole, I would prefer if my boobs stayed in one place.  I tried on two Under Armor sports bras at Dick’s yesterday (not at the same time!!  although…).  I almost injured myself running in place in the dressing room.  WTF?!?! 

For those of you who haven’t seen me, or don’t know about nursing…yeah.  My boobs are big.  And jiggly.  I sometimes have to hold them in place to go up and down the stairs.  Serious.  Then there is the part where I have NO idea what size I am.  And I guess that that depends on what time of the day you catch me.  Also, what if one is bigger than the other…then what?


(this is not a joke, I really need some recommendations…with links would be helpful!)